Many medical issues require thorough evaluation with the use of different types of imaging, electrodiagnostic, and blood, urine or fecal testing. That’s why we offer many diagnostic methods such as ultrasound for both dogs and cats in Altoona, IA. You may ask yourself “why is animal imaging needed?”; it’s important to remember many of us have ourselves had radiographs (x-rays) taken, ultrasonography performed, electrocardiograms or lab tests performed to help evaluate and detect a medical issue. Our patients are no different and our hospital is equipped to provide the information needed for our doctors to quickly work to get you and your pet a diagnosis.
Pet Diagnostic Care Near You
To make a diagnostic appointment for your pet, call us at (515) 967-4281.
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What's Next
Call us or schedule an appointment online.
Meet with a doctor for an initial exam.
Put a plan together for your pet.